search engine optimization service

Mobile SEO: A Quick Beginner’s Guide (3/4)

Read part 2: Mobile SEO: A Quick Beginner’s Guide (2/4)

Use schema markup

You should use schema markup when you can. Schema markup is a way of telling search engines what type of content your page contains so that it can be categorized appropriately. It’s also important because it helps Google know how to display the page on its mobile results page. For example, if you have an article page with a lot of images on it, then use schema markup so that Google knows that this is an image-heavy page and will display it accordingly when people search for keywords related to images. If you need help in implementing schema, connect with an experienced SEO service provider in Kolkata.

Don’t block CSS and JavaScript

The main reason why your website loads slowly is because of the CSS and JavaScript files. You should not block them on your website. Instead, you should optimize them to make your site load faster.

Improve the site’s loading speed aggressively

It is very important to improve your website loading speed and it can be done by using a number of techniques like minifying your code, removing unnecessary images from the page, etc. Also, if you are using plugins then make sure that they work well on mobile devices as well as desktops.

Optimize for voice search

Voice searches are on the rise, but not all websites are set up to handle them properly. Your page should be optimized for voice search so that people can find it easily on phones when they’re looking for information or services related to your business. Voice search optimization can be a tough nut to crack. This is why it’s recommended to get help from experts. Connect with any of the top SEO companies in Sydney and optimize your website for voice searches.

Read part 4: Mobile SEO: A Quick Beginner’s Guide (4/4)

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